Sustainability & Good Stewardship
We support sustainability and good stewardship of resources by collecting and redistributing surplus furniture and equipment that would otherwise be discarded.
KU Surplus will pick up reusable furniture, equipment and office supplies from the Lawrence campus free of charge in accordance with the KU Surplus Property Recycling Procedure. Surplus items are then available for purchase by other departments or the general public, or available for donation to non-profit organizations. Some surplus items are sold on GovDeals. By working with campus departments, the general public and local non-profits, we are able to redistribute surplus that would otherwise be discarded.
KU Surplus does not accept surplus property from off-campus individuals or businesses. However, there are a number of stores and non-profit agencies that accept donations of used items and resell them or make them available for free.
Happy New Year! KU Surplus is back!
Visit us at 1851 Westbrooke during the following hours to see available surplus items:
Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.